三两粉 SO FUN3

The 三两粉 SO FUN3 brand was founded in 2017 and has always adhered to the business philosophy of “Freshly Ground, Freshly Steamed, Freshly Dried, Freshly Cut, and Handmade”. We firmly believe that the inheritance of craftsmanship can bring beauty to life. In today’s complex and fast-paced society, machines and additives are commonly used to make […]

新奇汉堡 Shiok Burger

Shiok Burger 新奇汉堡 Savor the Shiokness: Pleasure your taste buds at Shiok Burger, where you get to taste premium ingredients at an affordable price! Our craft burgers are not just meals.

牛一嘴 Nuodle

公元2005年,中国西北的古墓出土了秦朝时期的面条,神奇的是,这碗穿越了数千年的面条却保存完好。作为兵马俑原型的秦朝士兵,当年正是将这种以小麦粉为原材料的面条作为主要食物,征战并统一了广阔的古代中国……虽然经历了上千年的演变,今天的兰州拉面依然在品相和味道上继承了当年的模样。普通的面粉,由拉面师傅通过反复的揉、叠、拉等技巧变成面条,其无可比拟的柔韧口感,再加上由中国传统香料精心调制的肉汤,一碗美味的兰州拉面便制作完成。 In 2005 AD, noodles from the Qin Dynasty were unearthed in an ancient tomb in northwest China. Miraculously, this bowl of noodles has been preserved for thousands of years. The soldiers of the Qin Dynasty, who were the prototype of the Terracotta Warriors, used this wheat flour as the main food as their main […]

壹碗 Delibowl

美食是中华文化不可分割的一部分。在“壹碗”,我们致力于将优质的产品和绝佳的用餐体验带入新维度。为此,我们确保每天使用最新鲜的食材烹制所有菜肴,坚持高质量绝不懈怠。我们的灵感来自中国的八大传统菜系,以其丰富多样的形式,呈现给本地食客今天被广为传颂的中国特色菜品。壹碗品牌宣扬“好吃壹碗就够”,代表经营者对美食的热忱,也深刻诠释了我们为食客提供首屈一指的用餐体验的初心。 Food is an integral part of Chinese culture. At Delibowl our philosophy is built upon a strong desire to bring quality food and unparalleled dining experience to a new dimension, and to this end, we ensure that all of our dishes are prepared daily using the freshest of ingredients, and uncompromising on quality. Our […]

汇 Hui Oriental

HUI Restaurant,中文名为“汇”,是一家中法融合的高档餐厅,独栋黑白建筑,环境优美宁静。餐厅运用中华八大菜系的精髓,以春夏秋冬为主题打造季节性菜单和沉浸式的用餐体验。同时,餐厅用法餐的精致仪式感来呈现菜品。在此基础上,我们融合创新,立志打造顶级的中餐标杆。“汇”的诞生源自创始人对于中餐的坚持和中华文化的执着。在海外经营中餐数载的他们,希望通过汇品牌向世界弘扬中华文化,更希望喜爱中华美食的世界友人汇聚于此,喜欢中华文化的贤士汇聚于此,故取名“汇”。 “HUI” 汇 is nestled in the newly revamped Rochester Commons along Buona Vista MRT interchange. The 2 storey heritage building is surrounded by rustic architecture and lush greenery, providing warmth and comfort to the mind. The restaurant exemplifies and elevates the environment to enhance the overall culinary experience with 2 key principles – […]


The “SPICY CHEF” brand is a new dining concept that focuses on Chinese-style stir-frying, with spicy stir-fried meat as its flagship dish. It is dedicated to promoting the culture of freshly-cooked Chinese cuisine and aims to provide consumers with safe, reliable, and cost-effective dining services. “辛大厨”品牌是一家专注中式小炒,并将辣椒炒肉作为主打爆款,致力于发扬中餐现炒锅气文化的新餐饮品牌,为消费者提供安全放心且具有极致性价比的餐饮服务。